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Loooooong Time

I am sooooo sorry I have not been around recently. My workload has basically doubled and I'm doing a last push on more grad school applications. I'm not sure when all this craziness in my life will be done, but when it is, I'll finally be able to get back in touch with everyone! Hope you're all doing well!!! Stay warm!
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You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card!

Hey!!! I'm sorry I've been m.i.a. the last few days. Life decided to get busy. I know I need to catch up with my messages and wall posts. I would tonight but I'm exhaused. I doubt I'll be on much during the next few days either... you know... with the holidays and all... 🙂

Speaking of the holidays... Happy Holidays! Have lots of fun, be safe, and stay warm! I hope to catch up with everyone soon!

First we'll make snow angels for two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Toll House cookie dough as fast as we can, and then to finish we'll snuggle!

Because you can't say it enough... Happy Holidays! MUUUUUUUUUAH!!!
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"The Cockfest has moved to the Ballroom"

My avatar is dedicated to my BFF, R who ABANDONED me to go to school in South Carolina. The school's mascot is a fighting gamecock, which I find terribly amusing (as does he). Anyway, for homecoming week all my fellow IU alums converged on b-town to celebrate. R brought me the shirt you see in my avatar. When I opened the box my first thought was, "holy ! I need to get a pic of this on the hub!" Now here it is. Maybe it's just the immature, dirty minded girl inside me but I find this quite funny.

Same thing applies about chatting, info, pics, etc. You know the speech by now.

Hope everyone is staying warm! For you people in Florida, Texas, California, etc... you suck and I'm very jealous!

Muuuuuuah! XOXO
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it's sunday so I'll be watching games all day! I'll get back to everyone after the giants play tonight!!!
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I'm exhausted. I can barely type correctly at this point. Definitely time for bed. Night everyone!
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As If!

I like to chat with people on here. Therefore having a substantial amount of content in your profile is a must. If you're that blah and boring that you have nothing remotely interesting to write then why the hell would I accept your friend request?

As for the pic thing... I don't really care what you look like it's more the fact that I have a decent amount of pics posted. I expect the same from you. And none of this grainy indiscernible either.

If you say something asinine or idiotic I won't add you. Sorry.

I love watching guys masturbate so if you have a video let me know so I can check it out!

Muuuuuah! Kisses!
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Baby, It's Cold Outside

Sigh... I would love nothing more to punch every person I reject for NOT HAVING PICTURES AND A COMPLETE INFO SECTION. I'm going to start immediately blocking people instead of giving them a chance to add stuff to their profile.

I don't know when I'll have new pics posted. I had a bit of a hair cut disaster so things are on hold until my hair grows out a bit.

I hope everyone has a great holiday!!! Yay for football, turkey, and pumpkin pie all in one day!!!
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BIG football day today for me! Giants and Ravens, Bears and Green Bay, and Dallas and Washington. Sooo I'm going to be hunkered down in front of the TV all day. I'll catch up with everyone later!
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Say, what's in that drink?

You know what I realized? All this porn reminds me of the sex I'm not having! I think this has been little thought has been hanging around my subconscious lately, which sent me into my public, pissy, self-loating rant not too long ago. Yep. It all makes sense now! 🙂 Well, whateves. I'm around now but still contemplating trashing my account.

Thanks for all the messages and blog posts while I was away!!!

p.s. of the 40/50ish friend requests I went through today, I only accepted 2 or 3. WTF, people!?! Complete and substantial profiles are a must!
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Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Sooo, I'm thinking it's time for me to take a break from the hub. I'm also toying with the idea of getting rid of it all together. I've been a real debbie downer the past week or so and maybe this is just me continuing on in my debbie downer funk. I don't know. I just don't have the confidence or the fight to compete with most of the women on here. It's wearing on me. I think the constant barrage of ridiculously gorgeous outgoing women has sent me running with my tail between my legs. I just can't keep up. Blah, blah, blah. Whatevs, right? Yeah, I don't like to hear myself ramble on either which is why I'm all done! I'll be chatting with you all again soon!
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sorry I haven't responded to most of you for the last week or so. If you're wondering where I'll be the next few days I would suggest you read my blog. I'll get back to everyone soon. XOXO
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It's not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on

Friend Requests...

I expect you (boy, girl, couple, or whatever) to have a decent amount of content on your profile. So simple! Sooooo ridiculously simple! Please respect it!

p.s. guys, I like guys. I want to see you. I don't want to see pics of girls. I'm a girl and I have those parts. Granted mine don't look nearly as pretty, but I still don't want to see them. Feel free to show of your manliness! 🙂
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Happy Halloween... well, almost 🙂

I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been busy with work, finishing up my costume, and lots of other things. Hope everyone is doing well and gearing up for halloween!!! I'd love to upload a picture of my costume (which I finally finished making!) but I apparently don't know how. Yeah, I hit the attach a photo button but nothing happened. I guess I'll just post it in one of my albums. I hope everyone has fun this weekend!!!
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I used to be Snow White, but I drifted

HEY!!! Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! It was so nice of you all! You made turning 22 not so bad after all! 🙂

Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been crazy busy. As you know I'm out of town for the weekend. I'm currently sitting in my friend's bed typing this to you all. I'll be tailgating and partying all day tomorrow/technically today. Sunday I head back home so by the time I actually get home I'll be uber exhausted. I'll probably just pass the hell out.

Anyway, feel free to leave me lots of love while I'm away playing! I'll sort out all the friend requests and messages on Sunday night or Monday.

Muuuuuuah! XOXO
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Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Hey everyone! Hope you all had fun weekends! I also hope the week ahead of you goes well.

Thanks again for all the comments, wall posts, messages, everything! You guys (and girls!) are great!

On Thursday it's my birthday. I'll be 22. I usually love my birthday but this year I feel really indifferent. I don't know what that's about.

I'm going out of town this weekend. I'm going down to Bloomington to 1. celebrate my birthday with all my friends and sorority sisters and 2. it's homecoming weekend! Football, tailgating, beer, bars! Yay!

Picture ideas or suggestions are always welcome

Friend Requests: Guys, girls, couples. Your profiles. Seriously. I expect your profiles to basically have about the same amount of content as mine. Pics, info, whatever. That's about as simple as it gets. Read it, understand it, respect it.

p.s. guys, I want to see you. Not your super hot girlfriend's tits and vag (kudos to you though!). I have them and they don't do anything for me. Really I'd rather see you. I think your naughty bits are fabulous! I love playing, teasing, touching, sucking, riding, looking at, whatevering them. Please if you're a guy, feel free to show the goods. I thoroughly seeing them.


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Come on now! You know where I like to spend my Sundays! I'm hunkered down in front of the big screen watching NFL Sunday Ticket... in high def... Sundays just can't get any better 🙂
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Some random things: just so you don't ask, I'm Puerto Rican, Portuguese, and Irish. And no, I don't speak Spanish! ******************************************************* I love Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. ******************************************************* I'm obsessed with the color purple. ******************************************************* I listen to classical music more than any 22, er, actually more than any 20 something does. ******************************************************* Somewhere between Paul Rudd, James Marsden, Matt Leinart, Mike Mussina, and Colin Farrel is my ideal looking man. ******************************************************* I'm a sorority girl! ******************************************************* I use exclamation points and smiley faces waaay too much! ******************************************************* I'm here just to chat, look at porn, and have fun! I have no intentions of meeting up or taking interactions beyond the computer. I don't have any messenger programs and I don't cam. ******************************************************* Feel free to ask if there is something you want to know. ***I'll confirm a request only if you pictures and information about yourself!***

Ultimo Accesso:
15 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
New York
"United States"
IU Alum
Interessi e Hobby:
Reading, sunning myself, photography, music, sex and looking at porn(obviously!), crime shows, watching sports (the New York Giants and the New York Yankees), going to the dunes, hanging out with friends, walking my pugs
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
Movies: Disney Princess Movies, The Wedding Singer, Clueless, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Virgin Suicides, Roman Holiday TV: CSI: Crime Scene Investigators, Gossip Girl, Sex and the City
Musica Preferita:
Just to name a few: Duffy, Billie Holiday, Amy Winehouse, Coldplay, Marie Digby, Miles Davis, Coltrane, Dido, Otis Redding, Classical (Debussy, Chopin, Satie), Norah Jones, Schuyler Fisk
Libri Preferiti:
way too many. I LOVE to read! I'm currently reading... Disquiet by Julia Leigh
Cosa Mi Eccita:
frat looking guys (slap some letters on a guy and somehow he always seems a bit cuter), light hair pulling, anal, loooooong lasting foreplay, girl on top, doggy style, brunette guys, giving blow jobs, finger fucking, spanking, student/professor role playing, watching a guy masturbate, having my tits played with, dirty talking, willing to try new things here and there, damsel in fantasy (ohhh save me, officer!), cocks! (I can't help myself! They're just so fun!), bi-curious/gay guys (if all you men are allowed to enjoy watching 2 women go at it then I can enjoy watching two men. Besides, they're hotter, have better porn, and lots of cock shots for me to enjoy!), being handcuffed on occasion, using the handcuffs on my guy,
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
having a guy go down on me (yes, you are reading that correctly), facials, socks being left on (Grrr! So annoying! Just take them off!), , guys being weirdly silent during sexual happenings (and I know I'm not that bad in bed), smoking (cigarettes), bad kissers, men who don't know how to finger (believe me, they exist), masturbating (you are also reading that correctly. I DO NOT masturbate.), dumb men, men being selfish during sex, being called thick (really? REALLY!?! I could slap you), vaginas (yeah, I know I have one but they're still ugly)
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
17 777
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