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Lightness Mistress
Lightness Mistress

Lightness Mistress

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Situazione sentimentale: Impegnato/a
Interessato a: Ragazze
Città e Stato: Brinighamm, United Kingdom
Genere: Maschio
Luogo di Nascita: United Kingdom
Razza: Middle Eastern
Colore dei Capelli: Blonde
Tatuaggi: No
Piercing: No
Città: Birmingham
Interessi e hobby: Fashion, politics, social media, internet, society.
Cosa Mi Eccita: All the women, the breasts, the look, the makeup, the lingerie, the time commitment, the conversation.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita: No logic in action, no thinking and overthinking. Driven by ideas without thinking things through. Failure to look at an issue, an object, from multiple perspectives.
Visualizzazioni Video: 1
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 2 999
Video Guardati: 399

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Byłam lekko znudzona i zmęczona, chyba koniec mojego dzisiejszego życia. Położyłem się na kolanach mojej szefowej i mruczałem. Wpatrywałam się w jej cycki i swoje, chciałam mieć prawdziwe silikony. "Doris, Morgana. Ta propozycja ma dziesięciu ochotników. Mam nagrać kogoś zmuszającego jedną z nas do seksu w miejscu publicznym, napastującego nas. Łatwo znaleźć kogoś takiego, chętnego. Albo jedna z nas urządza imprezę bukkake i nagrywa całe zajście, a potem wszystko zjada, chętnych jest pięciu. Dwudziestu ochotników chce transmitować naszą codzienność. Pobudka, malowanie, obowiązki, praca, przerwa, obiad, odpoczynek. Byłoby ciekawie, gdybyśmy od razu stworzyli kampanię marketingową, zapłacili za nią." Popatrzyła na mnie z . "Morgana, czyżbyś zasypiała? Dam ci chwilę, za dużo płynów?!". Obróciła mnie na mokry tyłek z pomocą Doris. Oparłam się na kolanach przyjaciółki, a szefowa wbiła stopy w moje krocze i zaczęła je tam masować. "Obudzisz się?" Uśmiechnęła się. "Będę cię masować w nagrodę za sesję, zarobiłam już około 275 dolarów za opcje 5 dolarów za pomysł na treść i 701 dolarów za 1 dolara za dostęp do albumu".
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I was sitting in a completely different galaxy, at the feet of Miss Brooklyn and Doris, who were browsing offers of bikini material. I turned off and felt pleasantly between their bare legs, started combing them with my fingers. Tips I need to do tomorrow and those lashes in one go. Two wanted the same mateir in which Brooklyn licks Doris in a position where she lifts her legs and gives herself to her mouth. Three wanted me, as Brooklyn, to go with her to Zywiec and answer an interview about me. I was to be dominated by the co-creators through challenges to Brooklyn. She probably didn't ask my opinion because I was tired. Doris stepped back a bit, or rather hid her crotch, covering her boobs with her hands. And the boss began to flick my buttocks with one finger and a foot. Five wanted Doris to give me, when Brooklyn commented, narrated as. The only ones they wanted me to pee in Brooklyn when the script was that he was working with docs, drinking coffee, and all of a sudden he surprises me and her from above, and she starts to smack. 
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I totally didn't like the fact that they treated me like that, but I guess I have to earn their respect, Doris was following orders, but it went very naturally. She cut me hard, and slowly in a few seconds crushed my head with her knee, and ripped her mouth open to put her fingers there. Miss Brooklyn just cried with happiness when she immortalized everything. "God, Doris, you're wonderful in this role. Enough, now I will upload to this private section and customers will be able to order some material with you. " Doris crushed me for a while and then said, "Brilliant collaboration Morgano." She got up and sat down with a glass on a sun lounger, covering her body as if there was no posing. I got up and poured myself whiskey out of politeness and splashed and looked at the photos. I looked interesting, but with Doris and her natural beauty, I had no equal. "You did a great job, but we still have some work to do. Then a break, we eat something and continue working. Morgana, how's your dick?"  She let me speak, I couldn't hear. I missed it, she repeated the question. "I keep him locked up completely, but I'd love to ask one to lick him" Boldly, I said, stammering. Morgana and Doris went back to drinking a drink.
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Doris, I don't know, she looked from afar, from my perspective she was terribly tall and ported. I looked at her from the bottom of her feet, wanting to find her gaze, but she looked into the camera and waited for Brooklyn's commands. Eh, it's a pity, and already 20 minutes does not shake, they should at least suck me for a while. I licked her fingers with a transparent varnish. She tasted sweat, chlorine and a woman. The boss said a smile and Doris made different faces, sexy smiles, touching her body in different places and slowly changed her teeth to make the multi-shots per second option of better quality. Brooklyn checked the photos for a while, but pleased with Doris, she chased her and handed her a glass of whiskey. I would drink too, but I guess my ass didn't take well in the pictures. She was prettier than a guy dressed up. I broke down. "Morgana, drink from Doris and now kneel in front of her, half facing me, licking her thighs and holding her in different places on her thighs, hips, under her belly. Another dozens of photos per second. "Bravo girls, now Doris, crouch next to Morgana, grab her by the neck and slowly to lick your fingers. Forever it."
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I was lying on the floor wet from the pool water, the boss taking pictures with a camera on a tripod in the back, while Doris folded her shirt and skirt on a deckchair next to me, staying in lacquers, feet, socks, panties with bikini-style hip straps, a see-through bra with a sleeve around her neck. Nipples had really attractive, firm young breasts, stiff and quite large, not like my c cup, round, she had wider to the sides. She unbuttoned her hair from her braid. And she stood under my feet. "Can I call her Morgano, by her first name, Miss Brooklyn?" She set up the camera with a night lamp and filters to take dozens of photos per second. "Yes, I let Doris." Doris scolded me from above with a blush from alcohol, "Take off my Morgano shoes and socks." Both of them dominated me now, I was silent in total euphoria. It was a little difficult not to touch such a feint and feel it squeezed for amen, but it had to be done for love. I took off her shoes, then her socks, I handed her because she reached for them, she laid them nicely on the deckchair. "One asks for photos captured of my girlfriend licking her beauty. So Doris, you're bullying Morgan. " She started to look for the switch to tilt when I started licking her feet and fingers on them, sticking my butt to the camera, my hands grabbing her knees.
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