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Hey there! Just your naughty neighborhood young college boy here! Have a look at my profile, watch what looks interesting, favorite my videos, leave a thumbs up if you like so I know to post more, and leave comments! I LOVE to hear how much you like my videos, what I do in them, what you'd like to see more of, and comments just turn me on a lot, like I start to get hot and hard instantly.
Situazione sentimentale: Single
Interessato a: Ragazze
Genere: Maschio
Luogo di Nascita: United States of America
Lunghezza: 5-7"
Altezza: 5' 10" (177cm)
Peso: 240lbs. (109kg)
Razza: Latin
Colore dei Capelli: Brunette
Prepuzio: Uncut
Barba: Yes
Tatuaggi: No
Piercing: No
Interessi e hobby: Photography, jerking off, reading manga and watching anime, enjoying nature
Cosa Mi Eccita: receiving and giving oral, feet worship, some rope play
Cosa Non Mi Eccita: Pushy people who think they deserve something without giving anything, rudeness, and
Visualizzazioni Video: 58 184
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 9 960
Video Guardati: 1 335
Mostrati 1-17 di 17


ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "4 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "3 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "2 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Prophet"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "iFap"
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It was the second day of classes. The classroom is spread apart to conform to social distancing, and my seat is closest to the door. I started day dreaming during class about this cute girl I know. Next thing I know, it's time for our break, since this class is about 3 hours long. I go to stand up to take a walk and immediately my hard as a rock cock hits my desk as I get up. I was too busy day dreaming I didn't realize I got a boner! My desk moves forward a bit and makes a sound as it drags on the floor. Luckily no one cared to look over. I quickly turn towards the door before anyone looks over directly at me and start to head into the hallway. This is terrible because I decided to wear these comfortable above the knee athletic shorts, the material is very stretchy and soft, but it doesn't help when my curved cock is pushing against it making a tent!! I'm in the hallway trying to casually walk to the bathroom upstairs, but my foreskin keeps sliding on and off my cock head because I started to leak precum and it felt soo good feeling my wet cockhead rub against my soft boxers. Luckily I hadn't run into anyone in the hallway, if I wasn't wearing a face mask they would've as it in my face that I was practically pleasuring myself. Of course if they haven't already looked down at the pitched tent in my shorts. I finally made it to the stairs, I just have to go up the stairs and the bathroom is to the left, I'm practically almost to the bathroom and my boner has yet to start going down. I'm halfway up the stairs loving how kinky this experience is and also how my warm thick cock is against my thigh. All of a sudden I hear female voices from up the stairs. I panic and and start power walking up the stairs skipping steps to get up there as fast as possible.  I make it up and as I'm walking into the boys bathroom, two girls from my class walk out from the girls bathroom. I just nearly avoided them from seeing my erection. I slowly walk into the bathroom and luckily there is no one in there.  I was so happy. I took a second to look at my bulge in the mirror and was pretty proud of it. Anyways, I got into a stall and pulled down my shorts slowly. My cock flung up as my boxers finally let it free. There it was throbbing and leaking precum like crazy.  I was so tempted to grab it and start stroking, but if I did that, I for sure would've ended up missing the rest of class and cumming in the toilet. I didn't feel like doing that so I used the bathroom and waited for it to go down. I waited there for around 3 and a half minutes before it even started to get soft. I grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed my cockhead to clean all the precum and also wiped my boxers carefully so that it didn't leak through and show on my shorts. I headed back to class very happy and ready to take on the remaining hour, so i could leave, get home, jerk off, and release the cum that was trying so hard to get out earlier. 
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