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Informazioni ChubblifeDadbod
Just a Chubby Dadbod stroking it for the universe.
Situazione sentimentale: Impegnato/a
Interessato a: Ragazzi e Ragazze
Genere: Maschio
Luogo di Nascita: United States of America
Lunghezza: 5-7"
Altezza: 5' 11" (180cm)
Peso: 275lbs. (125kg)
Razza: White
Colore dei Capelli: Blonde
Prepuzio: Uncut
Barba: Yes
Tatuaggi: Yes
Interessi e hobby: I enjoy long sessions of stroking and denying a final release, until finally popping a large load all over myself. The feeling of such an intense orgasm and the warm cum sliding down my shaft makes me want to start all over again. Using my cum as lube to keep stroking. Thank you all for watching my videos. Allot goes into them behind the scene so please like them and if you enjoyed them, a tip is always appreciated. More will come and I do take requests if you would like to see me do something special for you. Subscribe and become a fan. Take a look at my stream for short erotic stories with continued plotlines. Let me know what you think or even scenarios you would like me to write about. I enjoy knowing your fantasies.
Cosa Mi Eccita: I love being watched and edging myself to cum a hard load when I cant hold it anymore. My chubby body writhing with pleasure as I stroke my cock held in a tight cock ring and my balls bursting through another. Watch me pleasure myself just for you. I really get turned on learning about what gets you excited. Happy to converse and answer your questions. Be sure to watch my videos and subscribe..please feel free to comment I love seeing the notifications from all you sexy pervs. Lol. Tips are always appreciated and help supply you with more content. Let's get off together. Say hello when I'm on line.
Visualizzazioni Video: 2 362
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 5 198
Video Guardati: 1 112
Mostrati 1-10 di 10


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Erotica-Original erotic shorts by ChubblifeDadbod

"The air outside is damp and cool against your skin. The moon lights the path before you, leading you to the hotel out of the way from prying eyes, but not too far that it still gives you a thrill that you might get caught. Your breathing gets heavier as you get closer to the room predestined. Excitement prickles the hair at the back of your neck and you become aware of every inch of your body like electricity. Your eyes widen and your lips pout. Your nipples harden under your blouse as it glides back and forth giving enough caress to entice an arousal of wetness between your thighs. You grasp at your dress, your fingers eagerly wanting to touch yourself as you move but too afraid someone is watching. Stepping closer you can feel me near and your tongue flicks against your lips watering...hungry to taste a forbidden fantasy. Your breathing is crisp and clear, deeper you inhale sending your mind into a whirlwind of unfamiliar desires, raw and unforgiving. You've waited so long for the message to meet and now your standing in front of the door with your hand hovering just above the handle. The sound of the neon light zapping in and out in the background, the buzzing of the electrical lines seemed so loud before but now you only hear your heart beat thumping behind your swelling breasts. Pressure builds in your head and its hard to swallow. Mind swirling with anticipation and the vivid images of what you have used to pleasure yourself to orgasm for weeks. You close your eyes and turn the handle and silence hits you as the warm air of the room billows out carrying the scent and musk of the one waiting for you. "
To Be Continued.....Stay Tuned.
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