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Informazioni BigClitMcGee
Former camgirl/amateur pornstar 😜 Don't be afraid to message me for an interesting chat!
Situazione sentimentale: Single
Interessato a: Ragazzi e Ragazze
Città e Stato: SF, United States
Genere: Altro
Interessi e hobby: a whole lot or art, hole lot of weird fetishes, whole lot of kinks, 420, nature walks, beaches, movies.
Cosa Mi Eccita: Big fat hairy men, age play, power play, cum inflation, etc
Cosa Non Mi Eccita: Rudeness.
Visualizzazioni Video: 36 901
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 21 052
Video Guardati: 42
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My big clit secret

BigClit Secret - My FtM story
Hello everyone, I'm Toni. I'm new to ManyVids and some of you may know me as BigClit_McGee on MFC and imLive.
Many of you ask me if my clit is naturally big and I have to admit and say no. I am what you call a FtM trans male, which means I'm transitioning into becoming a male.
I first started to realize I had weird feelings of wanting to be a boy back in 2006. I didn't officially come out to my friends and gave myself the name "Antonio", or "Toni", until 2013. I finally started hormones in 2015. I didn't come out to my parents until midway the same year (they saw it coming). My worst fear was that my parents weren't going to accept me and my decisions but really I had nothing to worry about. They were accepting and did their best to support me and actually call me by my preferred gender preferences. Another fear I had was that I was going to regret my decision, which I didn't and I'm glad that I don't regret my decisions.
I got a lot of help from my fiancé, who helped me get my health insurance and life straightened out. He helped me get on hormone treatment and even helped when I had trouble injecting myself every Monday. Mid 2016 i stopped taking hormones because, it got really hard having to inject myself on my own and getting help from my bf got difficult after I got comfortable enough to stop him midway.
After taking a good look at myself and my body, I liked what I saw, I have an in between body and most of the time people can't even tell what gender I am and I like that a lot. So I was like, "I'm ok with how I am right now" and thought that I can just stop hormone treatment when ever I wanted too. Big mistake. Foolish to say, my body started to react. My estrogen has been on the rise since then and its like going through for the 3rd time now hah. Being on T for that long did give my body some physical changes along with some emotional. It gave me a little bit of a deeper voice, my head and body hair got thinner, I started to get more facial hair, I had more confidence and anger at times and my beautiful clit got big! My energy and sex drive was crazy off the walls and a little more acne.
Even tho everything didnt turn out the way I wanted it too, I still consider myself as male, but decided on no longer going through hormone treatment.
I am still loving my body always. I have a great support system and camming is very reassuring about my size and figure, I find the more good I hear about myself, the more it motivates me to better myself, I make progress and appreciate everything I have. Im still unsure of my gender and I am still on my journey of finding that comfort. But as long as my family friends and fans are there I think I'll make it to my destination just fine. Being transgender and a cam model gives me an outlet for body positivity. It takes confidence to put yourself out there for the world to see, and it definitely made me a more open minded person.
Everyone should love their body, so matter the breast size, or ass or penis size, or by the sound of their voice, height, everything.
 Love yourself and be good to yourself~! and thanks for reading!

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2 anni fa
Thanks for the inspirational story I learned a few things.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "6 year old account"
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