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Loving it

Scheduling a lot of shoots in February. Doing a foot video next week as well as a belly button fetish video!
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Smoking Fetish

Just shot my first smoking fetish video and it was fun and interesting!! Maybe I'll post a preview if there's interest.
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Running a cam studio

Been a blast so far! Love the girls we work with! Loving everything about it!
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Let's be friends!

Feel free to send a friend request and PLEASE click the subscribe button. We don't spam and once we get enough people in our circle we'll be doing some giveaways and such!
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Changing tune

I was initially VERY happy to have a site like Gumroad come along. It seemed like a great way for a small time producer to distribute content without a lot of hassle.
Gumroad advertises to "creators" that their platform is a great way to sell directly to your consumers and during sign up, more or less says that [anything you produce] can be digitally sold through their site for a low fee.
Unfortunately they don't mention DURING sign up that they're not fans of adult content. Yes in their TOS is buried a vague statement about [obscene, profane, and offensive] content but isn't that all relative?
Water under the bridge. When an adult alternative hits the web I'll gladly be one of the first to sign up.
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In the business of sales...

Got our store up at Gumroad up and running. Also got a couple of clips on C4S! Let's see if we can get into the black in under a week!
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New Pics

Just added a couple of pics of our girls. If you want to see more leave a comment and the girls are more than happy to oblige!
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Moving along well

Website is about 90% done. We need to add photos and clean some things up but it's otherwise good to go.
We have 4 girls on our team of all kinds; blonde, Ebony, MILF, BBWs, Busty, Latina, you name it!
Not too bad for a three man operation!
I'll keep you posted on new developments. In the meanwhile here's links to our girls' cam sites and Twitter accounts.
Mama Jackson(Busty Ebony MILF):
Debra Ann(Blonde MILF);
Hayley Sunshine(Redhead BBW):
Chili Sandoval(Busty Latina Milf):
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Measure B

Quick thoughts and two cents on the Measure B debate:
Simply and quickly the Measure is just poorly written and conceived. The proponents of it are claiming "public safety" yet when has the dealings of the adult industry ever greatly impacted the civilian population?
Do adult film stars contract STDs? Yes they do, as do many people that have no industry affiliation. There is no great STD epidemic linked to the production of adult films and as such no drastic measures need to be taken to regulate a relatively small and independent industry.
I won't make comparisons to other "dangerous" industries and their impact on National health and safety at this time but if need be I'll get into tobacco, lending, health insurance, etc.
the measure proposes taxing, fining, and regulating producers and using the revenue to fund the policing. This is so that tax payers don't have to foot the bill for the administrative costs. funny, it's not often that people get to vote on something they don't have to pay for. The measure doesn't set caps or even detail the costs of permits, projected revenue, disciplinary actions, etc. In short there are so many details left out that the measure shouldn't even be on the ballot.
You will not contract an STD if you vote NO on B. You also will not the stop the spread of STDs by voting yes. Condom use should be discretionary for all sexually active adults and if Measure B passes then there should be a requirement for all sexually active adults to use condoms at all times. If you disagree with that last statement please feel free to tell me why.
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we run a webcam studio in los angeles

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