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Informazioni VanillaTriesKinks
Hi! I'm a sweet and sexy size 18 with an hourglass figure. I'm vanilla as fuck, and I want to change that. Here on my channel, watch me experiment with my body and try various kinks! Those who want to make requests will have to pay for the privilege, but the videos and photos are free! I'm hoping to be able to make some money in order to get me through college and pay off my loans... Will you help me? <3 I will have phone sex for $1 a minute and cam sex for $2 a minute with a minimum of 15 minutes (15 min of phone sex = $15 and 15 min of cam sex = $30). I will also take video and picture requests for a fee. All request prices are to be determined based on the request, but I won't break your bank. I also take donations. Message me if you're interested! Thanks a bunch! <3 PS: If you buy me lingerie or a toy, I'll do a video with it! Buy me anything else from my list and I'll thank you personally in a video and message. Check my wishlist! :) https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/DVJRW6TEV9XN?ref_=wl_share
Situazione sentimentale: Impegnato/a
Interessato a: Ragazzi e Ragazze
Genere: Altro
Luogo di Nascita: United States of America
Misure: 47-37-56
Altezza: 5' 5" (165cm)
Peso: 230lbs. (104kg)
Razza: White
Colore dei Capelli: Brunette
Tette Finte: No
Tatuaggi: No
Piercing: No
Interessi e hobby: I like to go hiking, ride my bike, go on road trips, do yoga. I'm currently working on losing weight at a healthy pace, doing so by doing these fun activities I enjoy! For not-so-active activities, I play video games, write stories, and make art (I take commissions - more information on that to be uploaded!) I also love getting off and get off on people getting off to me. You can say I'm a bit of a exhibitionist~ <3
Cosa Mi Eccita: Part of the reason why I'm here is to find that out! Things that I know I like for sure; hard, raw fucking; cream-pies, anal play (I need to condition my asshole for anal sex. I like the idea of it but right now, it just hurts!); Futanari (Women with dicks, My ultra kink); oral sex; public fucking; being watched (Eyyy, that's another reason I'm here!); dirty talk; fucking in lingerie. Hoping to add more to this list as I experiment!
Cosa Non Mi Eccita: I can't say because they're all banned words - glad Pornhub agrees with me! Sexual content that harms individuals is a no-go for me (I don't mean consensual pain due to liking it, either - That's perfectly fine). Everyone should be getting off and having a good time doing so. Consent is sexy. <3 <3 <3
Visualizzazioni Video: 1 338 940
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 410 220
Video Guardati: 156
Mostrati 1-24 di 112


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Friendly reminder that I take commissions and go live...

                           Video commissions, pic commissions, personalized signs, and shoutouts. I also go live chat for $1/min on the phone and $2/min on webcam. Otherwise, I am always accepting tips! Please send them to my Paypal under "For a friend", if you can. Message me for the Paypal information. Otherwise, the tipping service here on Pornhub does suffice *Note: They DO take a percentage and don't let me have it right away, which is why I prefer Paypal. 
I also have recently put up a link to my Amazon Wishlist. Any clothes or adult toys bought from there will be featured in a video with a thank you to the gifter. Anything else won't feature in a video, but I'll be thanking you anyway. A lot of these items are cool little trinkets I like to collect and due to loans, don't really have the money to get [Well, when I do have the extra funds, I chip away at the list myself]. Other items are materials for my crafting, drawing, and cosplay; because yes I actually draw and make jewelry [Psst! I do commissions on those too. Curious? PM me 😉 ]. I'm currently on a cosplay hiatus, but I plan to get back into it and maybe even work for CosplayDeviants...
Anyway, Please consider supporting me and my work so I can survive, have fun doing it, and continue to bring you more content. Thank you! And thank you for liking and subscribing and all that jazz; it helps as lot as well!
OK? OK! I love you! Stay hydrated!                        
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1 anno fa
Have you stopped doing porn?
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Do you have an onlyfans we can follow?
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3 anni fa
Missing your content, not just me my other half as well. Your the reason we have threesome rolyplay. Keep up the good work
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "4 year old account"
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I'm still alive

Hello! It's been some time. Some people have started asking. Where am I? What's going on?
Generally speaking, I can't go into what happened but due to trauma that happened to me, I'm not really keen on uploading anymore. Though I do check in, and I still take commissions. It's just, nobody's been ordering. That being said, I may come back to it some day but right now I'm focused on other things. I won't be taking my page down though, so feel free to enjoy my past content (Or order something, as I said I'm still open to commissions). 
Thanks for coming by, and thanks to those who are concerned and care. I'm glad to see my channel is doing fairly well, considering the circumstances. Please, be good to yourselves and each other. Stay hydrated. Love y'all. 🙂
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